About Collaborative Divorce Toronto

Affiliated with the International Academy of Collaborative Professionals (IACP) and the Ontario Association of Collaborative Professionals (OACP), Collaborative Divorce Toronto facilitates the exchange of information and resources between collaborative professionals, provides training to new collaborative professionals, and to assists in public awareness.

Visit our News & Resources page for the latest updates and insights or, if you’re interested in joining CDT, view our Membership Options.

Our Board Members

Todd Slonim

Todd Slonim

Jane Huh

Jane Huh

Karin Kidikian

Karin Kidikian

Andrea Kim

Andrea Kim

Daniela Di Rezz

Daniela Di Rezz

Jessica Braude

Jessica Braude

Jenny Kirshen

Jenny Kirshen

Katelynn Schoop

Katelynn Schoop

Megan Romanowski

Megan Romanowski

Kim Stock

Kim Stock

Natalie Derbyshire

Natalie Derbyshire

Mahvish Mian

Mahvish Mian


About the IACP

Collaborative Practice Toronto is a proud affiliate of the International Academy of Collaborative Professionals (IACP). The IACP’s mission is to change how conflict is resolved worldwide.

Since its inception, the IACP has grown exponentially and now includes over 5,000 members from twenty-four countries around the world.


About The OACP

Collaborative Divorce Toronto is a proud member of the Ontario Association of Collaborative Professionals (OACP), which represents 20 groups of collaboratively trained professionals across the province. OACP states its mission: Create public awareness and promote the use of the collaborative process for separating couples. We believe the collaborative process is often the best process choice, and we want everyone to know how it works and why it is better.

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