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Jennifer Long


Jennifer Long

Jennifer Long, Senior lawyer, Gelman & Associates

4211 Yonge street
Unit 210
Toronto, Ontario M2P2a9
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Jennifer Long


Jennifer Long, a family law lawyer who has been practising family law almost exclusively for about 20 years, believes very strongly in using the collaborative family law model. Jennifer finds the collaborative process to be far more conducive to resolving disputes in a respectful and child-focused manner. Families, especially ones with children, may change, but ultimately, the best process is one which tries to salvage the family unit, as much as possible, rather than driving further wedges between spouses and ultimately, the children. The collaborative family law method focusses on goals and interests, which is opposite to the more traditional litigation model which is focused on strict positions, postering, and ultimately a no-win situation at the end of the day. The collaborative method keeps the decisions in the hands of the very people who have to live with the decisions at the end of the day, as opposed to a third party judge who doesn’t truly know your family. A team of collaboratively trained professionals is the optimal way of getting things resolved with the respect and dignity that you and your family deserve.


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