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Katherine MacDonald


Katherine MacDonald

Katherine MacDonald

10 Alcorn Avenue, Suite 201
Toronto, Ontario M4V 3A9
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(647) 694-9001

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Katherine MacDonald


I offer effective, compassionate representation. I will work with you so you understand your options and can make optimal decisions for you and your family. I will help you focus on what truly matters to your family and craft creative, child-focused solutions that work for your unique situation.

I believe separation and divorce, though painful and challenging, can entail positive transformations for families. I will be by your side as your advocate throughout this process. I understand the need for a customized, cost-effective resolution to your family conflict so you can move forward with your life.

I have been a family lawyer since 2015. Prior to attending law school, I was professor of French literature in London, U.K. for over a decade. I serve on the board of the Family Lawyers Association as co-chair.

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