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Sylvia Basso


Sylvia Basso

Galbraith Family Law

1200 Bay Street
Toronto, Ontario M4W 1J2
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(647) 370-8965

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Sylvia Basso


I bring a wealth of personal and life experience to my family law practice. I have experienced first-hand the challenges of family breakdown and used a collaborative process for my own separation. I am committed to supporting clients through this difficult period in their lives. I came to practice family law after a long career in Human Resources management and draw on that experience to help clients negotiate agreements that allow them to move their life forward as quickly and cost-effectively as possible. I work closely with clients to understand their concerns and goals, and use collaborative practices to resolve disputes without going to court. I am open to providing legal services on a flat-fee basis instead of charging by the hour and support clients who are dealing with matters on their own by providing unbundled (limited scope retainer) legal services.

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