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Tammy Law


Tammy Law

Tammy Law, Barrister and Solicitor

151 Bloor St. W.
Toronto, Ontario M5S 1S4
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(416) 410-4808

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Tammy Law


I believe in working with my clients to craft practical and lasting solutions to their family law problems.  My approach is to empower clients to make important family decisions for themselves, with the support and advocacy of an experienced advisor.  My belief is that settlement focused negotiation and collaborative family law practice are efficient and effective ways to resolve family law problems.

My experience working directly with children as well as my experience in child protection and family law litigation also enables me to understand the damage high-conflict separations can cause to children.  Settlement focused negotiation and collaborative family law practice are child-focused methods of resolving family disputes.  In almost all cases, litigation is the least satisfactory method of dispute resolution for children.

I have been practicing family law since 2005.  I am experienced in all aspects of family law including child custody, access, child support, spousal support, and property division.  I have had experience at all levels of court in Ontario.

Despite my experience in family law litigation, I have chosen to devote a large part of my family law practice to settlement and collaborative family law.  I believe in the settlement and collaborative family law process and I believe that they can achieve fair and cost-effective outcomes for clients.

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