How to be a better divorced parent

The Globe and Mail recently published an article by Erin Silver entitled “How to be a better divorced parent.” Erin speaks about the importance of seeking professional help and how it was beneficial to her during a particularly stressful time in her life.   Erin knew that she and her co-parent should be working together more effectively, but emotions kept getting in the way. She discusses the stress, fear, and rage that she felt as she moved from being married to divorced, and how she eventually found a more peaceful path. 

Stella Kavoukian, a Toronto therapist and Collaborative Practice mediator, met Erin and her co-parent Shawn, during this difficult time in their lives.  Helping them to better understand the other’s perspective and to be empathetic to one another was crucial to their moving forward. Continuing their old marital dynamic while trying to navigate their new co-parenting relationship was not going to work. Shawn and Erin needed to recognize their destructive patterns of communication in order to learn a new way of effectively working together separately.  Their desire and motivation to put their children’s needs and best interests at the forefront, helped them to move forward to where today, they are able to role model to their children the benefits of resolving conflict.

Helping couples put their children’s needs at the forefront and modelling effective conflict resolution are just a few of the many supports offered by Family Professionals in a Collaborative file. Many couples who choose Collaborative Practice work on the parenting plan, the transition to a co-parenting relationship and communication dynamics with family professionals like Stella Kavoukian. For more information, feel free to contact any of the professionals found at

Read the entire Globe and Mail article here.

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