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Seema Jain


Seema Jain

Jain Family Law and Mediation

1200 Bay Street, Suite 903
Toronto, Ontario M5R 2A5
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Seema Jain


Seema is committed to the collaborative process because it is a respectful process that is cost-effective and promotes healthy post-separation relationships and healthy parent-child relationships.
During a collaborative process, Seema helps clients navigate toward settlements by educating about the law, providing legal advice, offering practical and creative ideas, promoting productive negotiations, customizing advocacy and ensuring all are child focused.
In addition to being a Collaborative Family Law Lawyer, Seema Jain is an Accredited Family Law Mediator, Arbitrator, Children's Lawyer and a Dispute Resolution Officer at the Superior Court of Justice in Toronto. Prior to being called to the Bar in 2002, Seema completed a Masters in Social Work and worked as a family therapist and crisis worker. Seema combines her social work and lawyer skills to help people work through their complex financial and parenting family law challenges.
In order to learn more about Seema, her practice and approach please review Seema's website at

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